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Notice of Annual General Meeting

The coming season for NSW Hobie sailing is looking to be a very exciting period, and the NSW Hobie Cat Association has never needed more support from our members! We have two major State Championships coming up, with Round 1. running in conjunction with Kurnell Catamaran Club’s Top Gun Regatta, whilst Toukley Sailing Club will play hosts for Round 2. Additionally, the Australian Championships will be taking place Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron in Manly, Brisbane, where Team NSW are defending the State of Supremacy Trophy. We hope to see as many of our members in Quandamooka Country as possible over the holiday period.

Please think about how you can contribute to our organisation, and consider nominating yourself to a committee position or general committee member. No matter how much experience you have racing, every voice is as valuable as the next!

Come along, share your thoughts and let US know how we can continue holding excellent events for Hobie sailors.

NOTE: You must be a PAYED 2023-24 Member of the NSWHCA to be eligible to vote and/or take on committee positions at the upcoming AGM.


  • Hobie Cat NSW NSWHCA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
  • Topic: Hobie Cat NSW NSWHCA’s 2023-24 AGM Zoom Meeting
  • Time: Nov 14, 2023 07:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting

We look forward to seeing all of you!

NSWHCA Constitution, PDF Committee Nomination Form, PDF Proxy Nomination, PDF